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God and Evil: The Case for God in a World Filled with Pain (Paperback) IVP

God and Evil: The Case for God in a World Filled with Pain 

Chad Meister (Editor), James K. Dew Jr. (Editor)

  • Publisher: IVP Books (January 15, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0830837841
  • ISBN-13: 978-0830837847

This book is a very good resource for an individual looking into this topic either for the first time or are relatively new to the argument.

I am impressed with the large number of essays covering a vast number of topics, its great to see so many different individuals contributed to this book thereby attempting to reduce bias. While the majority of the contributors are Evangelical Christians, the number of scholars and theologians compiled in one volume are generally not available outside of a costly text book.
I am always hesitant to promote any one book, but rather I recommend gathering a number of books on the same topic, so as to be able to get a wide range perspectives, however this book does a good job of making those perspectives available.
I am also very glad to see the debate between William Lane Craig and Michael Tooley available in print, I wish there were more of these types of resources available.
In all I would recommend this for an individual who is learning about the topic of evil, its not overly heady, but does give a good basis of comparison.
While no one volume could possibly cover all points of this ever changing and hotly contested topic it's a good book, in true InterVarsity Press form this book is well thought out with highly credible contributors to create a very timely book.
There are a number of recent situations that have occurred where the question of how to reconcile God and evil or pain. This topic is certainly needing a few more good in depth studies but I am happy to say that this book does a good job of giving well thought out answers to the questions.

We must be mindful of overstating or over expecting any single volume to cover all sides of an argument. The most we should logically expect is that a volume worth reading (and buying) will have a good coverage. I firmly believe that this book qualifies.


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